Etang des Moulinots is a picturesque and tranquil carp fishery set in a forest location on the border of the Champagne-Ardennes and Lorraine regions of Northern France. The lake can be described as the equivalent of an English Estate Lake, and is about a 3.5 hour drive from Calais.
The lake is approximately 19 acres in size, with depths ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 metres. As can be seen from our pictures, all of the banks are either tree-lined or are concealed by vegetation including tall reeds. The lake opened at the beginning of March 2002.
There are up to 13 swims, including 2 that can be classed as double’s, and the number of anglers is restricted to 10. This allows the anglers flexibility to change swims and provides each angler with the equivalent of over 1.9 acres to fish.
Stock levels have been maintained to around 230/260 carp, with the lake record standing at over 65lbs for mirror and 61lb for common, and the average catch weight currently standing at over 35lb. There are now at least 2 x 60’s, 14 x 50’s, 40 x 40’s, and in total over 70% of our carp are over 35lbs. Our photo galleries show you the quality of carp we offer.
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