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27 April 2013

Next to join us at Moulinots were Craig Brown’s group from West Sussex and their 2 friends Graham Renn (Yorkshire) and Andy Sopp (Sussex), and Moulinots new boys, brothers Ian and John Catchpole (London). First off the mark this week was old boy of the group John Brown who had a 35.10 mirror on the Saturday afternoon. John had his best ever week at Moulinots after having 2 difficult previous trips, with a total for the week of 8 fish topped off on the last morning with a stunning 53lb PB Mirror! John’s 6 other fish were mirrors at 43.00, 38.00, 29.07, 28.02 lbs and 2 commons at 42.02 each.  Well deserved John and well done for relieving the younger ones in the group of their money with prize for most fish and biggest fish!  John’s son Craig didn’t have one of his most productive weeks with us, having 4 fish on his own rods – 2 at 33.10, a 26.01 and 24.00. Craig did however have the Dip Back common at 54.14 on Alan Sand’s rods while Alan visited the little boys room and decided to have a chat and bacon sandwich with John on the way back to his swim! Back luck when Alan’s only other fish for the week were mirrors at 27.03 and 33.00lb!! Andy Sopp (Sussex) had a good week with 7 fish which included 2 forties at 47.04 and 40.04, a 32.14 mirror and 4 twenties, well done Andy. Graham Renn (Yorkshire) who was fishing next to Andy had 4 fish, the biggest being a 45lb common with the others being mirrors at 37.04, 28.12, and 22.14. Ian Stevenson had a good week with a pristine 50lb common and 3 thirties at 38.08, 38.00 and 31.05 and 2 twenties. Newbie to Moulinots John “Millwall” Catchpole waited until Wednesday to open his account  – his first fish being a 33lb mirror and the second of the day a lovely 55.12 common. John had 2 more fish in the week, another big common at 49.12 and a small mirror at 24.01. John’s brother Ian also had 4 fish, these being all mirrors at 42.05, 32.05, 29.00 and 24lb.  Mark Longhurst (Sussex) also managed 4 fish with 2 forties at 44.11 and 41.04, a thirty at 38.04 and a 28.05. Justin Jenner, taking the opportunity to fish the lodge swim for the first time in years had 6 fish, the biggest being a 40lb mirror – he also had 2 more mirrors at 29.04 and 28.14 and Justin also had 3 commons at 38.04,and 2 at 26.04. Justin playing a fish in the boat (with a life vest on) was the highlight of the week for me, talk about milking it Justin!!! Last but not least a mention for usual top rod of the group Roy Foster, who after coming out high in the draw opted for the shallower end of the lake hoping the weather would warm up throughout the week but sadly this wasn’t to be..Roy only managed 1 fish, a 28.02 mirror. Better luck Roy later in the year.. want to see you in top form to give Mr Brown junior a run for his money! Total fish for the week was  with an  average weight of 33.07.

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